- 20 SOLD single-family homes
- Average Price: $511,670
- Median Price: $402,500
- Total Volume: $10,233,400
- Average Negotiating Discount: -1.09%
- Average Days on the Market: 39.9
- 4 ACTIVE UNDER CONTRACT/PENDING single-family homes
- Average Price: $548,250
- Median Price: $449,500
- Average Days on the Market: 79.3
- 4 ACTIVELY LISTED single-family homes
- Average Price: $469,000
- Median Price: $415,500
- Average Days on the Market: 153
A list of all 20 homes that sold/closed in Hartland during FY 2023 is below.
1 Whittlesey Lane, Hartland, VT 141 Cream Pot Road, Hartland, VT 239 Quechee Road, Hartland, VT 702 Route 12, Hartland, VT 6 Bowers Road, Hartland, VT 5 42nd Street, Hartland, VT 14 Dry Kiln Road, Hartland, VT 69 Route 12, Hartland, VT 125 Brownsville Road, Hartland, VT 112 Webster Road, Hartland, VT 8 Station Road, Hartland, VT 26 Bird Hill, Hartland, VT 90 Draper Road, Hartland, VT 5 US Route 5, Hartland, VT 193 Hartland Hill Road, Hartland, VT 8 Garvin Hill Road, Hartland, VT 200 Garvin Hill Road, Hartland, VT 15 Pelham North Road, Hartland, VT 44 Lovers Lane, Hartland, VT 300 Clay Hill Road, Hartland, VT | $229,900 $268,000 $280,000 $290,000 $330,000 $350,000 $352,500 $375,000 $386,000 $395,000 $410,000 $435,000 $445,000 $460,000 $490,000 $665,000 $715,000 $900,000 $1,157,000 $1,300,000 |
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